On Thursday, October 12 at our annual Volunteer Christian Builders Meeting Volunteer Christian Builders Quilters presented 24 quilts of valor in honor of those who have served our country.
The recipients were:
Lynn Akin, US Navy Danny Atterberry, US Army
Nevin Beaver, USAF Gib Brewer, US Army
Ed Casteel, US Navy James Cox, US Army
John Gill, US Navy Melvin Goyens, USAF
James Honea, US Marines Patrick Howell, US Army
AJ Jeffers, US Navy Andy Keathley, US Army
Bryon Kendrick, US Marines Doug Lacey, USAF
Butch Miller, USAF Jack Neathery, US Army
Clay Patrick, US Navy Daniel Pogue, USAF
Johnny Roberts, US Navy Ed Sandlin, USAF
Charles Shearer, US Navy Earl Talcott, US Army
Rudy Villerreal, USAF Jimmy Waters, US Army
It was our honor to present quilts to those who have served, and we thank you for your service to our country.
The women at Volunteer Christian Builders play a vital role in many ministries throughout the United States and abroad. Several of our women are involved in the building projects working alongside the men. These ladies are diversified in what they can accomplish and do everything from running the power tools to working on the ceiling crews.
At every job you will find a group of women working on projects that range from crocheting homeless mats, making walker caddies for the people in the nursing homes, sewing reusable sanitary products for those in third world countries, making pants, shorts and dresses, pencil cases, pillow cases, lap quilts, quilts of valor, fidget mats for the Alzheimer’s units and a list that goes on and on.
The beautiful thing about these ladies is that when a need is shown to them, they jump in and get the job done. There are times that women will be working on a project and don’t really know who will need those items, and this is when it is so awesome to see God work as he puts the need before them and they are able to fulfill the need. No experience necessary, just a willing heart!
Learn more about Volunteer Christian Builders and how your can join our team by visiting www.volunteerchristianbuilders.com/join-our-team.
See all the highlights from our annual meeting in the video below.
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